All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class of facade classes for DSS functionality related to ASiC containers.
An abstract base class for validation report generators.
Manages the creation of new AIA sources.
An entity for handling instances of ASiCArchiveManifest.
A composite validation result that aggregates the contents of both an arbitrary nested container and a nesting ASiC container.
Created by Andrei on 7.11.2017.
ASIC container creator
Abstract class for parsing ASiC containers.
An implementation of timestamp token that covers the contents of ASiC containers.
An abstract base class for timestamp builders for ASiC containers.
Base class for finalizers of timestamp tokens for ASiC containers.
Validation result information.
ASiC container validator
ASIC data file
Created by Andrei on 7.11.2017.
Created by Andrei on 10.11.2017.
ASiC-E container validator
ASIC entry
Created by Andrei on 29.11.2017.
Created by Andrei on 29.11.2017.
ASiCE signature finalizer for datafiles signing process.
Class for converting Xades signature to ASiCE signature.
ASIC file container parser
Represents the META-INF/manifest.xml sub-document
ASIC parse result
A special case of ASiC-S container with timestamp tokens, when the datafile of the container is a nested container.
Created by Andrei on 7.11.2017.
Created by Andrei on 10.11.2017.
An implementation of timestamp token that covers the contents of ASiC-S containers.
An implementation of a timestamp builder for ASiC-S containers.
An implementation of a finalizer for timestamp tokens for ASiC-S containers.
Utility class for validating ASiC-S container contents.
ASiC-S container validator
Created by Andrei on 29.11.2017.
Signature builder for Asic container.
Asic signature finalizer for datafiles signing process.
Created by Andrei on 29.11.2017.
Class for converting XAdES signature to ASiC-S signature.
A validator for ASiC-S containers with timestamp tokens.
Validation report generator for ASiC-S containers with timestamp tokens.
ASIC container parser from input stream
ASIC validation report builder
Base class for converting XAdES signature to ASiC signature.
Offers functionality for handling data files and signatures in a container.
Created by Andrei on 10.11.2017.
BDOC container validator
BDoc signature implementation.
BDOC signature opener
Deprecated for removal.
BES signature
An entity for handling instances of CAdES timestamp tokens.
Facade class for DSS CAdES timestamping functionality for ASiC containers.
Facade class for DSS CAdES validation functionality for ASiC-S containers.
Abstract base class of validation report generator for CAdES.
Certificate not found exception
Certificate has been revoked exception
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Builder for certificate validator.
An extension to the Container interface that represents a composite structure where a nested inner container is contained inside a nesting outer container.
A builder for creating CompositeContainers by nesting an existing container into another container.
Configuration manager initializer
Possibility to create custom configurations for Container implementations.
Application mode
Exeptions related to digidoc4J configuration settings
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Offers registry for configuration parameters.
Constants holder for system property names, default and environmental values.
Offers functionality for handling data files and signatures in a container.
Document types
Class for creating and opening containers.
Helper class for opening containers.
A helper class for gathering and linking timestamp tokens and their manifests, and sorting the result.
Utility class for handling CAdES timestamp tokens for ASiC containers.
An immutable wrapper that holds a CAdES timestamp and an optional ASiCArchiveManifest associated with it.
An entity encapsulating the validation result information for a whole container.
Container without files exception
Data file wrapper providing methods for handling signed files or files to be signed in Container.
Data loader decorator
Manages the creation of new data loaders.
Data to be signed externally (e.g. in the Web by a browser plugin).
Offers functionality for handling DDoc containers.
DDOC container builder
Overview of errors and warnings for DDoc signature
Offers validation specific functionality of a DDOC container.
Signature implementation.
Overview of errors and warnings for DDoc signature
Default implementation of the TSLRefreshCallback.
Class for building list of detached content files.
Executor for managing detached XadES signatures.
Supported algorithms
Generic exception for DigiDoc4J
A wrapper for DSSDocuments for capturing document name and mimetype updates, and for shielding the wrapped document from those changes.
Manages the creation of new file loaders.
DSS XADES signature
EPES signature
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Signer for external services for example in web
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Handling large files from a stream to be stored temporarily on disk.
Lazily initialized certificate source.
Contains information of filenames and mimetypes.
For validating meta data within the manifest file and signature files.
Exception is thrown when a signature cannot be extended
Exception is thrown when not supported container configuration is created
Exception is thrown when method or class is not yet implemented.
Validator of OCSP response NONCE extension
Validator of OCSP responder for TM
OCSP source builder
Manages the creation of new OCSP sources.
Created by Andrei on 17.11.2017.
Created by Andrei on 17.11.2017.
Created by Andrei on 20.11.2017.
Implements PKCS#11 interface for Smart Cards and hardware tokens.
Implements PKCS12 signer.
A helper class for extracting token validation messages from DSS SimpleReports.
An immutable encapsulation for the key (message tag) and the value (message text) of a single error/warning message, and the ID of the token where this message originated from.
Shutdown hook for a clean shutdown
Signature interface.
Creating signatures on a container.
Builder for creating a signature finalizer for finalizing signing process.
Signature parameters.
Optional additional information about the signer Use SignatureParameters instead.
Signature profile format.
Signing interface.
Validation result information.
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
An extension to SimpleValidationResult to incorporate XAdES-specific validation data.
Delegate class for SD-DSS CommonCertificateVerifier.
Thread pool manager
Signature for BDOC where timemark is taken from OCSP response.
An interface for handling timestamp tokens and their parameters.
An interface representing a pair of a CAdES timestamp and an optional ASiCArchiveManifest.
A builder for creating timestamps that cover the contents of specific containers.
Deprecated for removal.
A mutable holder for DSSDocuments of a timestamp token and its optional manifest.
An interface representing the set of timestamp parameters.
Deprecated for removal
Deprecated for removal.
An immutable encapsulation of timestamp validation data.
Timestamp validation report creator.
Trusted List certificates
Certificate source with the purpose of adding trusted certificate(s) manually
An exception signalling a TSL download error.
Manages the creation of file loaders for downloading certificates from the Trust Store (TSL).
TSL loader
An exception signalling a TSL parsing exception.
A callback for ensuring the state of the TSL after a refresh.
An exception signalling a TSL refresh error.
An exception signalling a TSL validation error.
Manages the creation of new TSP sources.
Exception what describes unsupported container formats
A mutable holder that extends TimestampDocumentsHolder's capability for holding timestamp documents by adding a slot for holding a timestamp token document override listener.
Created by Janar Rahumeel (CGI Estonia)
Wrapper for object.
Issuer parts.
Key usage.
Subject Name parts.
XadesSignature interface.
Signature validator for Xades signatures.
A factory for creating validators for XAdES signatures.
Facade class for DSS Xades signing functionality.
Validation report generator for XAdES signatures.
DD4J-967: This class is a copy of XmlCertificate as it was in DSS 5.11.1 (except for the migration from javax to jakarta namespace and additional XmlCertificate.create(eu.europa.esig.dss.simplereport.jaxb.XmlCertificate) method).
DD4J-967: This class is a copy of XmlCertificateChain as it was in DSS 5.11.1 (except for the migration from javax to jakarta namespace and additional XmlCertificateChain.create(eu.europa.esig.dss.simplereport.jaxb.XmlCertificateChain) method).