Document version: 2.8
Software version: 24.09
Last updated: 23.9.2024


The purpose of this document is to describe the architecture of ID-software.

ID-software is a collection of software components offering support for PKI-based functionality, i.e. operations with different cryptographic tokens (e.g. eID cards), handling digitally signed documents, file encryption/decryption and signing and authentication in web environment. The ID-software comprises end-user applications, software libraries, web components, drivers for communicating with the cryptographic tokens and other complementary components.

Main sources for information about ID-software are, Open-EID GitHub repository and Web-eID GitHub repository.

This document covers description of ID-software and its components, their deployment in different environments, provided and required interfaces. The document does not include components that have reached the end of their support nor the components that have not yet been released.

The document is based on the latest released state of the ID-software components. At the time of writing, the latest released version of ID-software is version 24.09. Latest version numbers of the various ID-software components are provided at

The document is targeted for:

  • Owners/managers of the software;
  • Contractors;
  • Contributors interested in developing ad-hoc solutions;
  • Integrators/software developers interested in integrating the software with third-party information systems;
  • International audience – contributors/integrators from countries other than Estonia who wish to use the software internationally and/or contribute in its development.


Estonian Information System Authority (RIA, is the main owner/manager of the ID-software.

The software is being developed and tested by:

Development of ID-software has been mainly done in Estonia, however, the ID-software is released for international usage. The software is distributed open-source (mainly under LGPL/BSD/MIT licence) and is accessible from the following locations:

ID-software components can be logically divided in the following groups:

  • Desktop applications for end-users;
  • Mobile applications for end-users;
  • Software libraries for integrators/software developers to integrate the libraries’ functionality with third-party information systems/applications;
  • Web components for integrators/software developers to add the signature creation and authentication functionality in web environment to third-party web applications;
  • Drivers for communication with the cryptographic tokens that conduct the PKI operations;
  • Other (supportive) components for packaging, installation, updating and centrally managing changes of the configuration settings in software (with the central configuration service).

The following table maps the main ID-software components, their owner/developer (i.e. the main contractor) and the functionality they offer.

Component Function Owner Licence
Handling ASiC/BDOC/PADES documents Handling DDOC documents Handling CDOC documents Calculating RSA/ECDSA signature Card management operations Authentication
Desktop applications DigiDoc4 yes (1) yes - validation only (1) yes yes (1) yes - RIA LGPL
Mobile applications RIA DigiDoc (iOS) yes (1) yes - validation only (1) yes (1) yes yes - RIA LGPL
RIA DigiDoc (Android) yes (1) yes - validation only (1) yes (1) yes yes - RIA LGPL
Software libraries DigiDoc4j (Java) yes (2) yes (1) - yes (1) - - RIA LGPL
CDoc4j (java) - - yes - - - RIA LGPL
Libdigidocpp (C++, .NET) yes (2) yes - validation only (1) - yes (1) - - RIA LGPL
Web components Browser signing modules - - - yes - - RIA MIT
web-eid.js (JavaScript) - - - yes (1) - - RIA MIT
Driver components Minidriver - - - yes - yes IDEMIA IDEMIA
OpenSC-pkcs11 - - - yes - yes OpenSC LGPL
EstEID-CTK-tokend - - - yes - yes RIA LGPL

Table: Mapping of ID-software components and functions


(1) - The functionality is provided via base components.
(2) - PADES handling is not supported.

The main functions offered by ID-software are described in the following table:

Function Description
Handling ASiC/BDOC/PADES documents Handling documents in BDOC 2.1 digital signature format that is a profile of ETSI XAdES (XML Advanced Electronic Signature) and ETSI ASiC formats. Validating timestamp and signatures of enclosed DDOC document in the Time Stamp Token (TST) based ETSI ASIC-S containers. Validating the signatures of PDF documents in PAdES digital signature format that is a profile of ETSI PAdES. More information on the formats’ life cycle can be found from See Libdigidocpp and Digidoc4j documentation for supported formats.
Handling DDOC documents Handling documents in DIGIDOC-XML 1.3 (DDOC) digital signature format that is a profile of ETSI XAdES (XML Advanced Electronic Signature) format. More information on the formats’ life cycle can be found from
Handling CDOC documents Encrypting and decrypting documents in ENCDOC-XML 1.0 (CDOC) also CDOC 1.1 format.
Calculating RSA/ECDSA signature Calculating the RSA or ECDSA signature value in browser or desktop/server environment. The operation involves connecting with the signature token’s driver, sending the data to be signed and receiving digital signature value calculated with the token owner’s RSA or ECDSA private key. The following cryptographic tokens are supported: hardware-based tokens (e.g. PKCS#11-based eID cards, USB cryptostick, Mobile-ID and Smart-ID); software-based tokens (e.g. PKCS#12 software token).
Card management operations PIN/PUK management, reading personal data file.
Authentication Authentication with ID-card. The operation is generally done via native operating system/browser components. In case of Estonian ID-cards and Firefox browser, a PKCS#11 module pkcs11-register is used for setting the proper parameters for authentication in Firefox browser on Linux.

Table: Functions offered by ID-software

Component model

The following chapter depicts ID-software component diagrams, including variations of the components used in different supported environments.
In the context of the component diagrams in this document, the ID-software components have been divided to two different packages to show the component’s owner:

  • Components of ID-software that are owned and operated by RIA: placed in "RIA" package.
  • Components of ID-software that are owned and operated by SK: placed in "SK" package.

Other components are regarded as external to ID-software.
Note that not all of the external base libraries are included in the component model to avoid duplicity with other documentation – the base libraries are listed and described in the documentation of the respective ID-software components and can be accessed via the references provided.

Desktop applications


cmp DigiDoc4 signing components
Figure: DigiDoc4 signing and crypto-components

cmp DigiDoc4 management components
Figure: DigiDoc4 ID-card management components

Component Description Owner
DigiDoc4 DigiDoc4 enables handling digitally signed documents, encryption/decryption for managing ID-card’s PIN/PUK codes replacement and other services.
Code repository:
DigiDoc4 base libraries Libdigidocpp (and its base libraries), etc. See DigiDoc4 interfaces. -
Mobile-ID (MID) REST service REST service that is used by DigiDoc4 for signature creation with Mobile-ID. See also SK
Smart-ID (SID) REST service REST service that is used by DigiDoc4 for signature creation with Smart-ID. See also SK
LDAP directory Directory of active certificates issued by SK (as the CA in Estonia). The directory is used by DigiDoc4 for finding authentication certificate (and the respective public key) of the recipient of the encrypted document. See also SK
Central configuration repository Described in chap. Central configuration service. RIA
Central configuration client Described in chap. Central configuration service. RIA
Libdigidocpp Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA
SiVa Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA
TSL repository Described in chap. Software libraries. EU/RIA
Time-stamping proxy service interface Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA
OCSP service Described in chap. Software libraries. SK
Minidriver Used via CNG interface in Windows environment only. Described in chap. Drivers. IDEMIA
ID-Updater Used in Windows and macOS only, described in chap. Updating mechanisms. In case of Windows platform, the ID-Updater can be executed from DigiDoc4 program. RIA

Table: DigiDoc4

DigiDoc4 interfaces


  • Graphical user interface - interface for handling ASiC, BDOC, DDOC, CDOC documents, setting configuration parameters.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • PIN dialog – for inserting PIN value during signature creation or decryption operations in all operating systems except of Windows.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • Graphical user interface – interface for handling card management operations and using the external services (listed under “Required interfaces”).
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • PIN dialog – for inserting PIN/PUK value in all supported operating systems.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements


Mobile applications

RIA DigiDoc

cmp RIA DigiDoc components
Figure: RIA DigiDoc management, signing and crypto-components

Component Description Owner
RIA DigiDoc RIA DigiDoc enables handling digitally signed documents, encryption/decryption for managing ID-card’s PIN/PUK codes replacement and other services.
Code repository: and
RIA DigiDoc base libraries Libdigidocpp (and its base libraries), etc. See RIA DigiDoc interfaces. -
Mobile-ID (MID) REST service REST service that is used by RIA DigiDoc for signature creation with Mobile-ID. See also SK
Smart-ID (SID) REST service REST service that is used by RIA DigiDoc for signature creation with Smart-ID. See also SK
LDAP directory Described in chap. DigiDoc4. SK
Central configuration repository Described in chap. Central configuration service. RIA
Libdigidocpp Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA
SiVa Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA
TSL repository Described in chap. Software libraries. EU/RIA
Time-stamping proxy service interface Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA
OCSP service Described in chap. Software libraries. SK

Table: RIA DigiDoc

RIA DigiDoc interfaces


  • Graphical user interface - interface for handling ASiC, BDOC, DDOC, CDOC documents, setting configuration parameters.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • PIN dialog – for inserting PIN value during signature creation or decryption operations in all operating systems except of Windows.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • Graphical user interface – interface for handling card management operations.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • PIN dialog – for inserting PIN/PUK value in all supported operating systems.
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements


Software libraries

cmp Software libraries (Java)
Figure: Java software libraries and their components

cmp Software libraries (C++/.NET)
Figure: C++/.NET software libraries and their components

Component Description Owner
DigiDoc4j Java software library that enables handling documents in BDOC 2.1 (XAdES/ASiC-E) and DIGIDOC-XML 1.3 formats. Documentation: . Code repository: RIA
DigiDoc4j-util program Small command line application that implements the main functionality of DigiDoc4j library. Used for testing purposes. Can also be used as a source for sample client code for using DigiDoc4j. See also RIA
CDoc4j Java software library that enables handling documents in CDoc 1.1 format. Documentation: . Code repository: RIA
CDoc4j-util program Small command line application that implements the main functionality of CDoc4j library. Used for testing purposes. Can also be used as a source for sample client code for using CDoc4j. See also RIA
Libdigidocpp C++ software library that enables handling documents in BDOC 2.1, ASiC and DIGIDOC-XML 1.3 formats (via SiVa service). Wiki: Code repository: Documentation: RIA
digidoc-tool program Small command line application (digidoc-tool.exe) that implements the main functionality of Libdigidocpp library. Used for testing purposes. Can also be used as a source for sample client code for using Libdigidocpp. See also RIA
DigiDocCSharp .NET C# wrapper classes for using Libidigidocpp library’s functionality in .NET environment. Created with Swig tool. See also RIA
SiVa Signature Verification Service is an online web service for validating digitally signed documents.
SiVa is used by the DigiDoc4 and RIA DigiDoc (by libdigidocpp base library) to validate documents in formats that are not natively supported; currently the service is used to validate ASiC (CAdES), PDF (ETSI PAdES) and DDOC documents.
See also Signature Verification Service interface.
TSL repository Repository for accessing the TSL (Trust Service status List) lists that can be used as a central source of trust anchor information during digital signature creation and validation processes. The European Commission’s TSL list ( is used as the central TSL list (with references to national lists). EU/ RIA
Time-stamping proxy service interface RFC3161 based time-stamping service. RIA
OCSP service RFC6960 based OCSP service. Also offered by SK for Estonian and a number of foreign certificates (see SK

Table: Software libraries and their components

DigiDoc4j library’s interfaces


  • DigiDoc4j API
    • User: DigiDoc4j utility program
    • Accessible with: Java


DigiDoc4j utility program’s interfaces



CDoc4j library’s interfaces


  • CDoc4j API
    • User: CDoc4j utility program
    • Accessible with: Java


  • Interfaces with base libraries:
    • Other base libraries: BouncyCastle
  • Interfaces with cryptographic token’s drivers (described in chap. Drivers)
    • PKCS#11 interface
    • PKCS#12 interface

CDoc4j utility program’s interfaces



Libdigidocpp library’s interfaces


  • Libdigidocpp API
    • User: DigiDoc4, RIA DigiDoc, Libdigidocpp utility program, DigiDocCSharp .NET wrapper classes
    • Accessible with: C++


Libdigidocpp utility program’s interfaces



Web components

Web signing components

The web signing component diagrams describe components that are needed for signature creation in web applications with eID cards.

cmp Web components for signature creation

Figure: Components for signature creation in web environment

Component Description Owner
web-eid.js JavaScript library that enables communication with the browser signing extension of the different web browsers. Code and documentation repository: RIA
Web application A web application that implements signature creation with an eID-token in browser environment. -
Web-eID Used in Chrome, Edge and Firefox. Comprises two subcomponents: browser extension component and native macOS/Linux/Windows component that implements Native Messaging API (JSON). The browser extension enables data exchange with the native component that in turn interacts with the cryptographic token’s driver for authentication and signing. Code repository: Documentation: RIA
Web-eID safari Used in Safari. Comprises two subcomponents: browser extension component and native macOS component that implements Native Messaging API (JSON). The browser extension enables data exchange with the native component that in turn interacts with the cryptographic token’s driver for signing. Code repository: RIA

Table: Components for signing in web environment

Web-eID.js library’s interfaces



Web-eID interfaces


  • Web-eID extension’s API
    • User: a web application in browser environment, web-eid.js and hwcrypto.js library
    • Accessible with: C++
  • PIN dialog – for inserting PIN1 or PIN2 value during authentication and signature creation
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • Certificate selection dialog
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements


  • Interfaces with cryptographic token’s drivers (described in chap. Drivers)
    • PKCS#11 interface

Web-eID Safari extension’s interfaces


  • Web-eID Safari extension’s API
    • User: a web application in browser environment, web-eid.js and hwcrypto.js library
    • Accessible with: C++
  • PIN dialog – for inserting PIN1 or PIN2 value during authentication and signature creation
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements
  • Certificate selection dialog
    • User: end-user
    • Accessible with: GUI elements


  • Interfaces with cryptographic token’s drivers (described in chap. Drivers)
    • PKCS#11 interface

Web authentication components

Authentication in web browsers is done with the browsers’ and operating systems’ native components. In case of authenticating in Firefox browser then pkcs11-register is used to load the OpenSC PKCS#11 driver by the browser on Linux.

cmp Web components for authentication

Figure: Web authentication components

Component Description Owner
CTK Tokend Described in chap. Drivers. RIA
Minidriver Described in chap. Drivers. IDEMIA

Table: Web authentication components


cmp Drivers
Figure: Cryptographic tokens’ drivers

Component Description Owner
OpenSC PKCS#11 driver A driver for accessing eID-cards. Connects with the card via the operating system’s native PC/SC interface. Used as a default driver for signature creation in web browser environment and DigiDoc4 in case of Linux and macOS platform. Wiki: OpenSC
One-pin OpenSC PKCS#11 driver Version of OpenSC PKCS#11 driver that only enables authentication functionality. Used as a default driver for authentication with eID card in Firefox browser environment in case of Linux platform. Wiki: OpenSC
Minidriver Used as a default driver for accessing Estonian eID-cards via CNG interface for signature creation in web browser environment in case of Windows platform. Used as a default driver for authentication with eID card in browser environment in case of Windows platform. IDEMIA
EstEID CTK Tokend A driver for accessing eID-cards. Connects with the card via the operating system’s native PC/SC interface. Used as a default driver for authentication with eID card in browser environment in case macOS platform. Code repository: RIA
PKCS#12 implementation via base library An implementation of PKCS#12 interface by the component’s base libraries. -

Table: Cryptographic token driver components

PKCS#11 driver interfaces


  • OpenSC PKCS#11 driver
  • One-pin OpenSC PKCS#11 driver



Minidriver interfaces



PKCS#12 implementation via base library


  • PKCS#12 interface
    • User: a software library
    • Accessible with: PKCS#12 API
    • Documentation: see documentation of the respective component’s appropriate base library

Tokend driver interfaces

Components implementing the interface:

  • EstEID CTK Tokend driver



PC/SC driver interfaces


Required: not in the scope of this document.

Updating mechanisms

The following chapter describes automatic updating mechanisms of different ID-software desktop applications. Several combinations of central software update checking and distribution environments are used depending on the end-user’s operating system.

Windows updating mechanism

cmp Updating (Windows)
Figure: Updating mechanisms in Windows

Component Description Owner
ID-updater Service that is periodically checks if newer versions of related ID-software components are available for download, initiates the download and installation if necessary. Uses Central configuration service for determining the latest available software versions. RIA
MS Update Microsoft Update – see Microsoft’s documentation for more information. Microsoft
Windows Store See Microsoft
Chrome Web Store See Google
Firefox Web Store See Firefox

Table: Updating mechanisms in Windows

macOS updating mechanism

cmp Updating (macOS)
Figure: Updating mechanisms in macOS

Component Description Owner
ID-updater Described in chap. Windows updating mechanism. RIA
Apple App Store See Apple App Store documentation. Apple
Chrome Web Store** See Google
Firefox Web Store See Firefox

Table: Updating mechanisms in macOS

Linux updating mechanism

cmp Updating (Linux)
Figure: Updating mechanism in Linux

Component Description Owner
Ubuntu package updates Managed and maintained by RIA. The binary packages are released for installation and updating to repository. RIA
Packages updates for other distros Managed by the open-source community. Packages are built, added and updated in Estobuntu and Fedora distributions by the package maintainers. -
Chrome Web Store See Google
Firefox Web Store See Firefox

Table: Updating mechanisms in Linux

Mobile updating mechanism

cmp Updating (Mobile)
Figure: Updating mechanism in Mobile

Component Description Owner
Google Play See Google Play documentation. Google
Apple App Store See Apple App Store documentation. Apple

Table: Updating mechanisms in Mobile

Central configuration service

The central configuration service's purpose is to enable on-line and central management of ID-software components configuration settings.

cmp Central configuration service

Figure: Central configuration service's client and server components

Component Description Owner
ID-Updater ID-Updater component (only in Windows and macOS) requests data from the central configuration client component, the latest available ID-software versions are read from the configuration file. See also Updating mechanisms. RIA
DigiDoc4 DigiDoc4 requests configuration data from the central configuration client component. Described in chap. DigiDoc4. RIA
Central configuration client Central Configuration Client component manages the configuration file validation and updating processes, returns the validated configuration data to the Requesting Application (DigiDoc4) and if necessary, updates the data from Central Configuration Server. RIA
Central configuration service Central Configuration Server component provides configuration data on-line to the Central Configuration Client component. RIA
config.json The central configuration file is named config.json, the file is in JSON format. The configuration file is signed. RIA
config.rsa Stores the central configuration file's signature value. RIA Public key used for validating the central configuration file's signature value. RIA
Libdigidocpp DigiDoc4's base library, also uses the central configuration file's settings. Described in chap. Software libraries. RIA

Table: Central configuration service's components

Central configuration client's interfaces


  • Central Configuration Client API
    • User: DigiDoc4, ID-Updater
    • Accessible with: C++


  • Central configuration file config.json from the central configuration repository
  • Central configuration file config.json from the local file system (or the local installation package)
  • Central configuration file's signature config.rsa from the central configuration repository
  • Central configuration file's signature config.rsa from the local file system (or the local installation package)
  • Client operating system's registry/environment variables
    • LastCheck entry
  • Base libraries:
    • QT framework
    • OpenSSL

Central configuration repository's interfaces

See Central configuration repository's interfaces.

Interfaces with external services

The following chapter describes interfaces that different ID-software components may have with external services. Relatsionships with the external services are depicted in different ID-software component models above.

Central configuration repository's interfaces

  • Central configuration file config.json
  • Central configuration file's signature file config.rsa
  • Central configuration file's public key file

Mobile-ID REST service

Smart-ID REST service

LDAP directory interface

TSL repositories’ interfaces

Time-stamping proxy service interface

OCSP service interface

  • User: DigiDoc4j or Libdigidocpp software libraries
  • Accessible with: HTTP protocol
  • Accessible from:
  • Documentation: RFC6960

Signature Verification Service interface

Deployment model

The following subchapters describe physical deployment of ID-software components in collaboration with external components that were depicted in chap. Component model in case of the most common use cases.

Signing in web browser

cmp Signing in web browser

Figure: Signing in web browser via a web application

Additional notes:

  • A digital signing software library (i.e. DigiDoc4j or Libdigidocpp) can be used for creating a ASiC container and adding the created signature value to the container.
  • Long term validation data is added to the ASiC signature by obtaining OCSP confirmation and a time-stamp.
  • Mobile-ID REST services is required in order to sign with Mobile-ID.
  • Smart-ID REST services is required in order to sign with Smart-ID.
  • Signature value is calculated either in the Mobile-ID SIM card, Smart-ID mobile application or eID-card’s chip.
  • When signing with eID smartcard then the browser signing module is necessary for enabling communication with the smart card connected to the user’s system. Hwcrypto.js library offers a single API for supporting signing modules of all the supported browsers.
  • Optionally, trust anchor data is retrieved from TSL lists – the European Commission’s central TSL and national TSL’s of the EU member states.

Signing with DigiDoc4

cmp Signing with DigiDoc4
Figure: Deployment of components during signature creation with DigiDoc4

Additional notes:

  • DigiDoc4 is used for creating the ASiC container and adding the signature value to the container.
  • Long term validation data is added to the ASiC signature by obtaining OCSP confirmation and a time-stamp.
  • Mobile-ID REST services is required in order to sign with Mobile-ID.
  • Smart-ID REST services is required in order to sign with Smart-ID.
  • Signature value is calculated either in the Mobile-ID SIM card, Smart-ID mobile application or ID-card’s chip.
  • Trust anchor data is retrieved from TSL lists – the European Commission’s central TSL and national TSL’s of the EU member states.

Signing with RIA DigiDoc

cmp Signing with RIA DigiDoc
Figure: Deployment of components during signature creation with RIA DigiDoc

Additional notes:

  • RIA DigiDoc is used for creating the ASiC container and adding the signature value to the container.
  • Long term validation data is added to the ASiC signature by obtaining OCSP confirmation and a time-stamp.
  • Mobile-ID REST services is required in order to sign with Mobile-ID.
  • Smart-ID REST services is required in order to sign with Smart-ID.
  • Signature value is calculated either in the Mobile-ID SIM card or ID-card’s chip.
  • Trust anchor data is retrieved from TSL lists – the European Commission’s central TSL and national TSL’s of the EU member states.